Chronic Pain Survey

My name is Lauren Abshire and I am a Doctoral Candidate in the Graduate School of Clinical Psychology at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon. I would appreciate anyone who experiences chronic pain and is at least 18 years old to participate in my dissertation study and to forward to others in your network who may be eligible. You are invited to participate in a 5-10 minute online survey that aims to explore the experience of loss and resilience in individuals with chronic pain.


You will be asked to complete a demographic questionnaire and some questions regarding your experience of chronic pain. Thank you for considering this research opportunity. If you have any questions or concerns about this study please contact the primary researcher, Lauren Abshire at or the faculty supervisor, Marie-Christine Goodworth, PhD at

Here is the link to the survey if you would like to participate:



Lauren Abshire, MA, QMHP

Doctoral Candidate

Graduate School of Clinical Psychology George Fox University

